Custom Cut Interior - Solace Fixed Bench

Custom Cut Interior - Solace

The Solace Interior is known for platform style lower bench under opposite upper bench design. For saunas large enough to place the heater opposite a centered door, upper benches on each side of the heater allows for easier socializing and allows for two adults to fully lie down on upper benches with independent space. This design is popular for homeowners that like to sauna with friends or multiple family members at once.

Solace interior features include:

Features include:

  • Full-length top bench on each side, allowing two people to comfortably recline at once, or six people seated
  • Low voltage interior lighting including color light therapy system
  • Full panoramic all-glass front
  • Clear Canadian Hemlock interior: wall and ceiling, benches, backrests
  • Modified Deco bench system with wall-to-wall middle platform
  • Bench ends have integral arm rests for added comfort
  • Sauna Heater: Designer-SL2 heater or Himalaya heater
  • Sauna Control: SaunaLogic2 control with worldwide mobile app functionality 
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